Darjeeling FTGFOP1 2nd Flush Tea of The Year | Chá do Ano
Black tea, Orange Pekoe full leaf, from Darjeeling gardens in India's West Bengal district. A selection of very high quality pure black teas from the second harvest. It is a medium-strong tea, with an aromatic and floral note.
The climatic and geographic factors of Darjeeling's tea terroirs or tea gardens result in a small and unique production of teas, which is why they are considered the tea champagnes.
* Free shipping only in orders for Europe with a total of 70€ or more.
Origin: India
Category: Tea
Subcategory: Black
Tipo: Puro
Ingredients: Black tea, Orange Pekoe leaf
Flavour: Medium-strong with a floral note
Caffeine: Yes
Colour: Light maroon
Grs per Cup: 3 grs
Water Temperature: 100ºC
Infusion Time: 3 min
Stimulares concentration
Invigorating effect
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