Snowflakes Mao Feng Tea | Flocos de Neve Mao Feng
White tea, whole Orange Pekoe leaf, from China. A unique tea obtained from the youngest buds of the plant, which stands out for its numerous properties such as: Increases metabolism; stimulates fat burning; combats fluid retention; prevents premature aging; prevent cancer (especially prostate and stomach cancer); stress relieve; inflammation decrease; prevents atherosclerosis; fights viruses and bacteria in the body; and reduces blood pressure. It has a very refined and soft flavour.
* Free shipping only in orders for Europe with a total of 70€ or more.
Origin: China
Category: Tea
Subcategory: White
Type: Pure
Ingredients: White tea
Flavour: Exquisite and soft
Caffeine: Yes
Colour: Yellow
Grs per Cup: 3 grs
Water Temperature: 70ºC
Infusion Time: 3 min
Antioxidant action
Anti-aging effect
Strengthens the immune system
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